Plans & Studies
Check out our strategic plans, studies and more to learn about what we’re working on and how we plan to get there.
2023 list of accomplishments and financial information
2022 list of accomplishments and financial information.
Goals and projects define how Lake City DIRT will execute each Transformation Strategy through effective planning that takes into account the different methods needed to achieve their focus.
A concept feasibility analysis on developing a Lake City site to be a combination performance venue and recording studio to expand the local music scene.
An assessment to evaluate existing conditions and parking demand, identify issues with parking and future parking needs, and make recommendations to affect change in the parking areas throughout the study.
Economic Development goals and strategies for Lake City DIRT to improve economic vitality in Lake City and Hinsdale County.
Lake City has established design guidelines to provide general direction for new construction and remodeling work on properties located within the Historic District.
Presentation from the Economic Vitality Summit hosted by Lake City DIRT in 2017. There were presentations from the Department of Local Affairs, Colorado Preservation Inc, Region 10, USDA Rural Development, and the Colorado Main Street Program.
A 2017 plan and strategy to preserve and utilize the Ute Ulay site to generate business activity. The plan includes different uses the site could be used for in the future.
The 2016 Recreation Plan offers tools and strategies for enhancing the quality of recreation for local residents and visitors in Hinsdale County through 2026.
PDF - Hinsdale County Recreation Plan - 1
PDF - Hinsdale County Recreation Plan - 2 -
This 2016 study inventories the existing creative industry and outdoor recreation industry in Lake City and Hinsdale County and identifies market niche opportunities within each of these industries.
The 2016 Main Street Refresh: Lake City report summarizes market information for Lake City and outlines Transformation Strategies and next steps for improving Main Street
A report and plan on creating a strong business and workforce retention program in Lake City and Hinsdale County.
PDF - Proposed Economic Development & Business Retention Report
Summary of a discussion held between the Lake City Chamber, DIRT, and Marketing Board on potential ways that all three organizations could collaborate and work together.
A 2009 report to make a series of recommendations for the Lake City Festival designed to help the organizers produce an event that is sustainable for many years to come.
The 2008 Feasibility Study presents data, research, and economic development goals for Lake City and Hinsdale County.